Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ah, Yes! The Real Hillary Shines Through!

In an excellent review of the in-fighting between the "presidential hopefuls" of the Democrats, Donald Lambro ( 3/1/07) points to Hillary's severe attack against Obama as a reminder of just who these people (the Clintons) really are. This last week, even the traitorous New York Times said that her lashing out sends a message beyond what she intended it to send.

But I think there are far more telling and sinister indicators than this one.

In a warning that went out from her campaign manager, Mrs. Clinton warned all the Democrat fund raisers and workers who may be tempted to support Obama or one of the other Dem candidates, that "We will remember those who were for us and those who were against us," when we become President of the United States.

Have you heard that phrase before? Of course you have. President Bush said that in refering to nations who would or would not stand with us against terrorists who blew down the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They were/are real enemies. But the only place Mrs. Clinton can think to use that phrase is in a poorly veiled threat against fellow Americans who may prefer another candidate in her own party over her. Can you hear the hiss?

How will you remember, Mrs. Clinton?

Will you keep a list?

Could that be called "an 'enemies' list?"

If you promise to remember, and you keep a list, doesn't that put you in some nefarious company?

Richard Nixon comes to mind; and Evita Peron. (You know, "Don't cry for me, Ar-can-saw-ya! the truth is, I never loved you," Evita.

Just for the record, some of us saw this side of Hillary long ago, and said to ourselves, "Thank God, she has no real authority beyond fame and popularity with the political left. It limits who she can hurt."

Well, well, well! If she becomes president, all bets are off.

It's in her dna. She will hurt people for real, including the Dems on her promised "list."

That is one promise you can count on her keeping.


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