Friday, February 16, 2007

Why Islam is Advancing in America and Around the World

This is not an attempt to give a scholarly treatment of the questions we Christians ask about Islam's worldwide advance. This is an opinion based on having travelled in Muslim areas of the world and observing its advance in America.

Islam is on the move because they have "the Eye of the Tiger." They are hungry. Hungry for victory. Hungry for glory for their God and their Faith.
Hunger is a great motivator. It drives a man to work who otherwise would not work. It causes men and women to be willing to sacrifice, scrape together resources, and move to new areas in order to achieve the goals for which they hunger.
They hunger for and crave vindication for their faith, and they lay themselves, their money and their children, on the line to achieve the goals in which they have been taught to believe.
AND THEY FAST IN UNISON. When they do that, they release tremendous spiritual power. It does not matter what/who the source of that spiritual power is. Their rich people fast. Their poor fast. The young and very old participate in the fast, and it sends shockwaves of spiritual power and influence and credibility throughout the earth, and gives spiritual life and energy to their causes, their evangelism efforts, and their discipling. Even when that discipling is in Wahabbism, a radical Islamic sect and doctrine that is being taught in many of their AMERICAN mosques. Al Quaeda is an offspring of the Wahabbist doctrine.

No system, or religion has ever elevated as many people and brought blessing to as large a number of people, as the worship, obedience and discipline of Jesus Christ. Islam hasn't.

Judaism didn't. It birthed Christianity and we owe them gratitude for our existence and for the foundation that they laid of the worship of God and of the Law and the Prophets upon which we base our faith.
We are not better, higher, smarter, or more loved by God than them.
We make mistakes, and we have our charletons who claim our banner and don't really practice it.
But America's system of thinking, our conviction that everyman is accountable for his own success or failure, and our willingness to let a man choose his own way AND either enjoy the consequences of his choices or suffer them, have brought tremendous blessing to more people than any other system in recorded history.

But we are in big trouble.
We have become victims of our own success. Many of us have come to value security more than freedom. Both as a nation and as followers of Jesus Christ, we have become soft because life is not as hard as it was even 30 years ago. We have lost our hunger and our thirst for victory, for sacrifice, and for the glory of our God, our nation and our cities.
We don't want victory, we want ease.
We don't want compassion, we want insurance against any kind of sacrifice and loss.
Our country, our churches, and our families are divided.
There is no national leader to stand up and say, "I am calling this nation to fasting and prayer for the success of our national and spiritual goals."
No one stands up and says "I will lead the charge in fasting and prayer. I don't have to fast, but I long for justice and compassion and for 'what is right' to prevail over wrong! So, I will be fasting and asking the help and guidance of almighty God, knowing that if He doesn't intervene, we don't have a chance at either national or personal success. Won't you join me in my quest?"

We have lost our "blessing," which was the source of our success in the past.
We think it was our education. It was not.
We think it was our superior philosophy, but the philosophies that did succeed, came from the teachings of Christ.
What "Blessing," you may ask?
Why, the "Blessing" that was promised by Jesus to those :

  • who were poor in spirit, not haughty in spirit;
  • who mourn(weep and fast) over the toll on humanity of crime, disease, disasters and unjust courts and governments;
  • who were humble and meek, not the two-legged sharks;
  • who hunger and thirst for justice, not those who glory in greed and injustice;
  • who were merciful to their neighbors and family, not turning their back on those who are in need or suing them over minor or imaginary offences in a lust for unearned wealth ;
  • who are pure in their motives, not having manipulative alterior motives;
  • who are working for peace, not using the disadvantage of others to constantly stir up discord;
  • who are making a stand in behalf of those who are being persecuted for doing and desiring what is right and just and fair.

THAT BLESSING is the blessing we have lost as a nation, and as a church. Jesus has the power and authority to bless those who pursue these desires, from any nation or background. The Scriptures say, in Colossians 1:15-17,

  • "He (Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him were all things created: things in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

If our nation no longer seeks his help or his blessing, don't be surprised when our systems of government, of transportation, of financial operation, and education, begin to fall apart. What? What's that you say? They are already? Maybe we should humble ourselves, repent for our national condition and our personal sins, and begin to ask, seek and knock for a return to the place of His blessing. In the meantime, Islam offers an alternative "order" or system and many Americans are looking to them/it in spite of the authoritarianism.
Certainly there are those who see this and are praying and fasting and hungering and thirsting for an intervention by God.

A few folks are longing for a revival of the spiritual life of the nation that will once again birth social and political justice and equity. But for the most part, we have lost the hunger, the drive, that causes us to risk and if necessary, give our all, to see it achieved.

Our founding fathers, with all their human faults and failures, had the "eye of the tiger." They had a driving hunger for true political freedom and justice that would be equal under the law for rich or poor. They wanted it so badly, they declared their indepencence from Great Britain and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in their attempt to achieve it.

I am by no means a national leader, but I am going to humble myself to God. I'm going ask God to forgive us and send spiritual renewal to more than just a few churches. I know that without His help and blessing, our hope as a nation and our dreams for helping the poor, are lost.

Won't you join me?


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finding the Power to Change

Have you and your mate (or your parents, or your children) ever fought over something and one or the other of you said, “This is how this always goes. I should have known how you would respond.” And truth be known, they were right, even though you didn’t admit it to them. When that thought comes, has it ever been followed with the thought, “Well, that’s just the way I am. Like it or lump it. Accept me or leave. That is the way I am wired?” Have you ever thought that when the reference was not another person, such as your mom or dad, or you children, etc? Have you ever thought that about God, and about what you thought he expected of you? To love and to give; to lead and forgive; to pray and bless those who have wronged you?
Have you ever thought, “Well, God, I wish things were different and that I was a more ___________ (fill in the blank yourself) person. But I am not, and I am just going to have to accept it. And so are you!” At this point is where the explanation often comes, “This is the day/age of Grace.”
What people often mean when they say that is that Grace is when God doesn’t look at what we have done, and judge us according to what we deserve. Actually, that is partially true. He does allow anyone and everyone access to His Presence through prayer. And that is an aspect of grace. But grace is not an excuse or a coverup for sin or weakness. It is power to change. It is the power and strength and personality of Jesus Christ transmitted/transfused by his beating heart into our immediate weaknesses, changing us from one who had continually failed on certain points, to a person graced with the ability to say no to sin and yes to God’s requirements. Read Romans 6 concerning the effect the cross can have on us. Then read 2 Corinthians 12: 9-14. It defines grace as the power of Christ and the strength of Christ. He has enough power to change you and help your relationships with God and people.
The Blood of Jesus can cleanse you from ANY sin and deliver you from ANY weakness. The Blood of Jesus can cleanse and free your offended conscience even when you are still feeling torn, and weak and guilty before God. His blood, which was shed in an act of substitution and guilt-payment, gives you ACCESS to God if you will only believe it and accept it.
Think of it. Open access for common people. Free access for poor people. There are many, many, wealthy people who are paupers, spiritually. Either way, it is the man or woman, boy or girl that knows/recognizes their poverty in spiritual things that Jesus accepts and helps.
Don’t you remember the Beatitudes? Listen to them from the New Living Translation:
• God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
• God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
• God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.
• God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.
• God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
• God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
• God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
• God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
• God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. (Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in Heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.)

Oh, Man! You are not stuck in your past, in your sins, in your personality, or in your family-inherited weaknesses and tendencies.
The Blood of Jesus will cleanse anyone who recognizes their weaknesses as sin and confesses them to Jesus in prayer. You can do that right where you are. God can hear you anywhere, and turn your place into his place, in an instant.

The Blood of Jesus has the power to change you from what you are by birth, to all that He planned for you to be, before this earth even existed.

There is an old song that we used to sing in church when I was growing up called “Power in the Blood.” Even if you know the words, read through them slowly and let the hope they bring penetrate your heart. We have “know-it-all” Christians who are failing to honor Christ in their lives and ministries, because they supposedly already know all of this… The song goes like this:

• Would you be free from your burden of sin? There’s power in the blood! Would you, over evil, the victory win? There’s wonderful power in the blood!
• Would you be free from your passion and pride? There’s power in the blood. Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide. There’s wonderful power in the blood.
• Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There’s power in the blood. Sin’s stains are lost in its life-giving flow. There’s wonderful power in the blood!
• Would you do service for Jesus your King? There’s power in the blood. Would you live daily, His praises to sing? There’s wonderful power in the blood.

• There is power, power, wonder-working power, in the blood, of the lamb. There is power, power, wonder working power, in the precious blood of the Lamb.

There is hope for you!
There is power, for the preacher who can’t clear his mind of sinful thoughts… And, for the prisoner, who has never before tried to be pure. Come to Jesus, right where you are, right now. Tell him what you are facing. Ask him to deliver you from temptation and the control of the Evil One. He has already paid the price for your sins. He is waiting for you to ask and then wait quietly in his presence for his answer. You will be shocked!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Using Updated English Translations to Study the Bible

The Full Life Study Bible, edited by Don Stamps and Published by Zonervan Publishing Co. has been a great aid to me in my personal devotions and in studying for messages and Bible lessons. Don was a missionary to Brazil for the Assemblies of God denomination.
In China,it has become known as the Fire Bible, because of the picture of fire on the cover. It has been a great help to native pastors around the world because of the extensive notes and references and subject studies that are very true to the scriptures.

It is a great help to anyone who wants a better or clearer understanding of God's word. And remember, it's not deep that we are seeking. It's clear that we seek. However, if you see clearly, you can see deep, too.

Remember, "to study" is to set the table properly with foods that match the needs of those who are going to eat. Prayerful and worshipful "meditation" of the truths studied, in order to internalize, digest, and begin to practice those truths is the eating of the meal. A good explanation of the word "meditate" is "to chew" or "to stew on." The Full Life Study Bible is a great help in this process, as are many others, I.E. the Life Application Bible.

There is not an English Translation that I believe is THE translation, because I don't believe English is THE language that God favors over all other languages.
A group in our corner of God's great vinyard has received a special revelation that the King James Version is the ONLY true version of the Bible and that anyone who uses any other version is reserving for themselves a special corner of hell."After all, if the King James Version was good enough for the Apostles, it is good enough for me." ( I don't know if they say that, but what they do say is about the equivalent of that.)

This is an embarrassing ignorance and arrogance.
Have you ever seen the movie "Popeye" where Robin Williams plays the cartoon sailor and Shelley Duvall plays Olive Oyl, his sweetheart. It is hilarious when you see the town of New Haven, at the beginning of the show and the townspeople walk around singing,"Sweet New Haven, God must love you..." because they think it the most beautiful town on the planet. Their problem is the same as those above. They have never been anywhere to know there are people all over the world that God loves and that many do not speak English, the King's or anyone else's.

The King James Bible is fine, good, a blessing, and if you want to read from it for whatever reason, I'm sure it's fine with God. I know it is fine with me. I suppose I would use it if I knew I was going to speak in a church that used it all the time. This is not a religious point or my preference that I am addressing. I feel that it will lessen your evangelistic effectiveness and your effectiveness in discipling a new generation of young believers in the Body of Christ. I know that it throws unnecessary roadblocks in the path of seekers of Christ and forces teachers to spend time explaining the hearers OWN language to them when the language that they use every day can carry the same thoughts to the hearers if it is employed. And I hate it when you inconvenience the spiritual babes to accomodate the supposedly "spiritually mature." That is wrong, as a principle. Jesus said, "Children are to be given a priority consideration. If you cause one of my little ones to stumble, it would be better for you if a milstone were to be hung around your neck and you were to be dropped into the deepest part of the sea." Now, I don't know about you, but to me it seems that if that would be BETTER, I don't want any part of what he has in mind for those who cause his little ones to stumble. Do you think that he is only referring to the physically young and not the spiritual babes?

By the way, I still thoroughly enjoy the King James Translation of many passages. My heart finds comfort in many of the Psalms and the translations of the Gospels, because I grew up hearing them from my mother and dad and my many teachers.
But I would no more use the King James for general reading in a meeting than I would try to teach the Bible in English without an interpreter, in China.
Young people CANNOT stay with you.
And I want them to understand God's thoughts.
If I feel I must use a passage from the King James, I take time to explain it (if necessary,) but it is a rare thing for me to do these days.

All of that to say, I use (and recommend)the New International Version for public meetings and especially for international teaching and speaking. I recommend the Full Life Study Bible in the New International Version.

I also use Peterson's Translation, known as "the Message."

Most recently, I have used the New Living Translation. The people I teach have enjoyed it, also. It is a very clear translation and it is simple enough for children and as Peterson puts it in 1 Peter 5:5, for "just plain people."

I feed on God's Word to grow myself and I study and meditate in His truths to be strong in the face of pressure:

1. From the world,

2. From my body's desires for comfort and pleasure, and

3. From attacks from the the devil.

From the overflow of my personal relationship with God, I share God's Word, rightly divided and personally practiced, with the people that God sends to me.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Angel in Mid-Air Shouted, "Give God Glory!"

Do you know what that means?
It was used on TV last night, by two very popular and powerful men. One was white and the other was black. I don't know the white man's name, but he is the team owner of the new world champions of American Football, the Indianapolis Colts. The black man was Tony Dungy. He is their head coach and a great man.

Many of you know what it means and practice it to a greater extent than I do.
But I am attempting to catch up!
I am not going to delve into the dictionary here.
I want to talk from the other way - really, the main way - which we learn what words mean. By hearing them used in context.

And one of the few places you hear the term "Give God Glory," is in a biblical or church setting. In that setting, it means that God deserves the ultimate credit, because he gave us the raw materials and the wisdom to use them. It means that I would be lying (by NOT telling the whole story) if I let you congratulate me and I did not give credit to other people and to God for what on the surface appears to be MY accomplishment.

As I have been reading "the Revelation" book in the Bible, I have seen this phrase in various forms throughout. It has reminded me of my past promises to be thankful to God for His help and blessings, and to be thankful to people who have helped me:

  • get where I am and
  • have what I have and
  • know what I know.

In Revelation 14: 6, 7, (NIV) John wrote,

  • "Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth - to every nation, tribe, language, and people. He said in a loud voice, Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of His judgement has come. Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.
It seems that God is going to give people a last chance to escape judgement if they will just acknowledge Him in a small way, as the creator.

You don't have to be a Bible Scholar.
Or a preacher.
Open up your eyes and look at the creation around you and have the sense of a child.

If there is a creation, there must be a _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (Seven letters, rhymes with "theater")

Think, Think, Think.

Have you ever seen an atom? I haven't. Most of us haven't. Yet you will take the word of a professor of science, who works at the state university and who is as sleazy and untrustworthy in character and you will take him at his word that he looked into a microscope and found that atoms are one of the building blocks of all matter.

If I were to point to the beautiful globe that sits next to my dad's pool table, and tell you that no one had anything to do with creating that globe, that it just formed itself that way, with its abalone and mother-of-pearl nations, and its polished brass mounting, and the names of the countries painted on them, if I said that, you would call me insane.

And if I said I gathered up the raw materials of that "work of art" and threw them off of a tall, downtown building, and when I took the elevator down to the street, and shazaam!... here sat this globe! If I were to tell you that, you would not even answer me, because it is so preposterous.

But then you push a much more preposterous theory. That the universe just dropped itself into a state of order that is googols more complex than my dad's globe... and you mock me for my ignorance?

"But," they say, "All the scientists agree on this."
Does that make it so?

Not so long ago, all the popular scientists used to agree that black people were inferior, too. Meanwhile, good and godly and wise black men and women just kept building, and inventing, and discovering and founding businesses. Men like Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, and more recently, Martin Luther King, Jr.
• (And before you bring up anything about him that has been used to discredit him, remember the threats that were made against his life. He didn't make that up, did he! Remember how he stood against his own supporters who wanted to strike back with violence against those who were violent against them and he refused. Remember the jail time for sitting at the lunch counter and how that he didn't curse them, or hate them. My God, that is living more like Jesus than most of us do with long lives not cut short by a bullet!)

I could add my personal friend, George Redman, to that list. He was a chemical plant operator and is now the lead safety tech for his plant. This man knows his business. I count on him when I or the people I work with have to venture into the process areas of his responsibility.

What about my friend and Christian brother, Lloyd Geters, who knows more about electricity and especially how to apply its principles to industrial uses, than I ever will. He knows how to build it, how to fix it, and how to do all of it safely.

Don't tell me how many people don't accept them as equal. That only reveals strong the strong ignorance of the accuser, not that of the people they accuse.

God is so good. He loves everybody and once again he is calling to anyone who will listen and think beyond the seen world and ask this question. "Who made all of this creation that I can see?" Jesus once said that God causes rain to fall on both good people and unjust people. He sends blessings to everyone. Can you find it in your heart to give him credit, glory, for the good things that have come from him?
Ask in your inner thoughts for an understanding of who God is and send it out. He will answer you if you will get quiet and think.

I'm convinced that God not only made the physical world, but that he is helping me in the details of my life, right now.
I didn't do it all by myself.
I am not a self-made man.

So, I am thankful to you God, the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them. I give You the credit for the good I have seen in my life. And, I repent for the evil that I have instigated in words and deeds, and I ask you to forgive me and help me change.
I ask you to let me know you and understand who you are. Guide me to the truth, and not just some religious opinion.
Thank you, Creator.
I give you glory!


Friday, February 2, 2007

How Would You Like Dignitaries to Visit Your Place?

If you could have a "one to one" visit with one of your heroes of the Past or Present, who would it be?
Who is the greatest dignitary that you can imagine sitting down to talk to?
Is it President Bush?
Or Hillary Clinton?
Is it a singer or a movie star?
Is it someone who is still living?
Or since we are just wishing, is it someone from the past?
Marilyn Monroe?
Bob Dylan?
Winston Chuchill?
Iron Lady Thatcher?

WhenI was about eleven, one of the Beatles claimed that they were now more popular than Jesus Christ! Maybe you wish that one of them would come to your house 4 the afternoon.
Just once!
Did you know that only one person out of that list has ever offerred to come to your house for more than a visit?

That person is Jesus Christ.
Jesus said:
Soon, the world will no longer see me, but you will see me.
Since I live, you also will live.
When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.
Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me.
And because they love me, my Father will love them.
And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.
One disciple asked, Lord, how are you going to reveal yourself only to us, and not to the world at large?
He replied, All who love me will do what I say.
My father will love them, and we will come amd make our home with each of them.

Jesus really is worth getting to know.
You will find him walking through the pages of the Bible.
The Father God, the Lord Jesus, and the Mighty Holy Spirit, are looking for a chance to move in with those who are interested in their company, I mean, their friendship.

How do you get their attention?
Start reading the Bible and trying to practice what Jesus told you that you must do.
Each time you are going to try, ask Jesus for his help.
Tell him that you are aware that his commands (like "love those that hate you" )are impossible unless he helps you. Then, ask him to help you.
He and the Father will come to you, right where you are and help you and if you want them to, they will move in with you, and things start looking up from that time on.
If Jesus tells you to get rid of something, some habit or sin, he will more than make it up to you in better things to replace what you gave up.
When you begin to feel his presence at home, at work, in your car, or in your cell, Oh, Man! you have just started living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!