Monday, January 22, 2007

Chp.13 Rise of Antichrist: Greatest Tyrant of History

Revelation 12 sets the stage for chapter 13. It is a short, sweeping review (historical interlude in the Book of Revelation) of Satan and how he comes to the point in Chp 13 where he makes his stand and calls the Beast out of the sea. (vs. 1-3)

From the beginning of human history, Satan, or as he is referred to in Rev. 12, the Dragon, has been lurking at the gates and doors of humanity, deceiving if possible and destroying (Jn 10:1-10) any who he could get his hands on.

Genesis 4:6-8 (NLT) says,
“Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

God loves and is close to people throughout the earth whose hearts break in longing for justice, for the humble in heart, for the pure in heart and for those who have been persecuted for doing what is right and just. God will give the meek an opportunity to chose right over wrong in the days ahead. His plan, revealed in the Revelation concerning the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation, will sweep in a harvest of souls that our greatest evangelists could have only dreamed to see (Revelation 7: 9-17).

During the Tribulation ‘s 7 years, the church is not being drawn together in cohesive groups (a work of the Holy Spirit) during this time, but souls are being saved by the millions.

The Antichrist will be in the place of political and judicial power, but to good people around the globe, he will be abhorrent! They will see him for what he is, and hate everything that he represents. Defying him will be an honor, refusing the mark a challenge to his authority, and death, if it comes, will be a relief...

(This is a short introduction to a teaching I gave last week to a study group I lead. It is based on the the Bible and specifically on the Book of Revelation. It is a glimpse into the near future for those who desire to see... If you would like to have a written review of the entire class, I will email it to you if you will request it in the comments section below.

Friday, January 19, 2007

late nite excuses

I am, once again, getting to my blog at 10:25pm, a regular time, for a regular guy, with a regular job. I have a lot that I want to say, but I am usually sleepy when I sit down to write, and often when I check on it later, I see grammatical errors that I usually would not miss.
I apologize now and won't spend a lot oftime making excuses. I hope to have better times and a more polished product, later.
Really, polish is not what I am after. "Clear" is what I am after.
I learned that from an ex-Air Force fighter pilot turned Bible teacher, and who became my friend. I haven't seen him for several years now.
His name is Hugh Smith. Hugh was a highly decorated fighter pilot. He was/is an even better Bible teacher.
As a pilot in Vietnam, Hugh flew missions into North Vietnam and fought above/with the firefights on the ground. One of these, it seems like it was nicknamed "Hamburger Hill," because our boys were being chewed up like meat being shoved through a meatgrinder.
Hugh and the fighters with him would make bomb runs until they were out of bombs and then make strafing passes until they were out of ammo. Hugh said he noticed that every time he flew over the North Viet Cong, they had to duck into holes and stay there for at least 45 seconds. In that 45 seconds our guys would gain ground and find cover that was saving their lives.
Hugh sent all his team back to the air base and he made several more runs alone, even though he was out of bombs, bullets, and almost out of fuel. He made several passes and they ducked, but after 2 runs and no shooting they quit ducking and started shooting at him.
He told me that if they would have forgotten the shooting and just thrown one of their frying pans straight up in the air, it would have brought him down. He was flying @ about 15' over the enemy's heads. When they finally quit ducking, he flew over again and this time he dumped the gas to it, and hit his afterburner. That is crazy if your about to go down for a lack of fuel, but sounded like abomb and all the enemy hit the ground again, and our guys made another very critical advance.
When he turned back for the base,he saw that he wouldn't have enough fuel to fly back in a normal pattern, so he got back up high, and ran out of fuel on his approach, and glided in for a much too fast landing...
He was highly decorated for his valor because of his actions in this battle.
Now, back to "clear."
Hugh told a group of us that were tryng to teach the Deep Truths of the Kingdom. We were very impressed with ourselves. Or maybe it was just me that was very impressed with MYSELF. Anyway, Hugh told us in a message he preached in a campmeeting in Diamond, MO, that it is not "Deep" teaching that we should be striving for, but "Clear" truth.
Hugh told us that in Japan there are some in-land lakes that are thousands of feet deep. He said the water was crystal clear. Amazingly clear. So clear, that a small exploration sub that was moving around inthe lake @ 600' below the surface could be seen as though it were only 5' down. That's clear water.
It's not deep that we need to strive for. It's clear. Simple truth.
Funny thing is , if you study and pray and prepare your teaching, and instead of complex, you make it clear, "clear" will allow you see deeply.
Now, after all the years I have preached, prayed, and served, I see that he is right. The Gospel is the power of God.
I love you all.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

God Knows How to Take Care of You - Enjoy

In the last blog, I mentioned a story in a devotional book. The story, “How to Raise Money for Missions,” was a real inspiration to me.
The author was asked to come to the New Jersey shore to speak at 3 churches. His friend, who invited him to speak, had to leave town on an emergency before he arrived.
I can tell you from experience, that is an uncomfortable position to be in. When he arrived at the 3rd church he was to speak at, he discovered that the pastor of the church was unable to attend, also. So, he had to run the service alone and then he was supposed to:
· Tell about his mission work
· Describe his needs
· And receive an offering for himself

As the congregation sang, and went through the form of the service, he became very aware of the fact that they weren’t saved. “There was sadness in their worship, routine in their service, a mundane flow of words and liturgy, form without substance. I shared the simple gospel instead of sharing about missions and taking up an offering.”
He said he couldn’t talk about missions to people who were not themselves saved, so he described the opportunity that is offered for everyone to have a personal relationship with God through Christ.

After the service, the people were angry. They came to hear about missions. They did not come to be “preached at.” Also, a few stopped for a moment to inform him that they did not agree with him that anyone could have a personal relationship with Christ. All this was done within 3 minutes of the end of his sermon, and the lights were turned off and everyone was gone.
He said to himself, “I really blew this one… “ He was flooded with a sense of guilt and felt like a total failure.
Well, there was one other person still in the building and he came to me and shook my hand. The missionary offered him a trade, “If you will drive us to lunch, I will buy. They went together to a hotel, and ordered a big lunch, then the man began to pepper Steve with questions about a personal relationship with Christ. He wanted to know if I really believed that one could actually have a relationship with God.

When he went to pay, the man said for him to put up his money, that he owned the hotel.
“When I left, I had a nice check in one hand and the keys to his 4X4 in the other hand (for our mission work in Mexico”). Later, the man called me and told me that he had come to Christ and was now going to a nurturing church where they preach the Gospel.
Maybe, just maybe , His preaching wasn’t such a failure after all.

I can so identify with everything that happened that I feel it as I read it. Somehow, one must work through all of this and share the gospel, and forget the hurt and disappointments, and then lead folks to Christ, no matter the setting.
Remember, Jesus Christ really is alive.
You can know him.
You can't control him but you can put yourself in a place where he comes by, like positioning yourself on a road where someone might pass by.
A blind man did that once, in Israel.
When Jesus passed by, the man began to call out, "Son of David, have mercy on me."
Other people shushed him, embarrassed by his actions. But he called even louder, "Have mercy on me."
Jesus, surrounded by a crowd, stopped, and asked for the man calling for him to be brought to him. "What do you want?" Jesus asked him. "I want to see," the blind man said. Jesus healed him.
What do you need? Hang out on His road and ask for help when he comes by. And he will come.
The question is, Where is the road that Jesus walks down , now?
He walks throught the pages and verses of a book- The Bible.
Go to the section called the Book of Luke.
Hang out there.
He is like the wind.
You don't know where he comes from and you won't know where he is going.
But like the wind, you will know when he is there.
Read the Book of Luke.
In the Bible.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Back to More Important Things

Last Friday, a friend of mine gave me a good book, which
I recommend to anyone interested in closely following
Christ. The book is "Walk With Me a Few More Steps" by
Steven Beam.
I have never heard of him before, but this book of devo -
tional thoughts and articles, in which he writes, is loaded with
experiences very similar to mine. It is a great bag of great seeds.
What kind of seeds?, you may ask. Seeds of Greatness...
I have been deeply moved as I read its short
One that stood out to me was a chapter entitled,
"How to Raise Money for Missions." It is great for anybody
in Christ, but especially for anyone who has shared the cucifixion of
going where you are not welcomed, preaching what they don't want to
hear and trusting God to make something out of my failures!
More on this!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bush Speaks: What I Want to Hear

The President is going to speak in a few minutes.
I would sure like to hear from the American Eagle and not the "chicken little" that is cowed down by the democrats' recent win at the polls.
But nobody ever calls here and says, "Phil, what is it you are hoping to hear?"
Here's what I would like to say if they did:
  • I would like to hear that we are NOT going to stop chasing our enemies at the borders of Iraq. If they come into Iraq from Syria and Iran and Saudi Arabia, we are coming to the source with whatever it takes to make you break out in hives every time you even thjink about supplying our enemies. (That really is what we did in Vietnam. We have an Iranian /Iraqi version of the Ho Chi Min trail, down which China, Russia, Syria and Saudi Arabia are funding, feeding, and resupplying the forces that are killing Americans. And I want to see us STOP IT. We can do it.)
  • We are already fighting Iran. Face it. Wrap your brain around it. Realize it is going to take an all out effort to win. And to win is all that is acceptable. It is not acceptable for us as Americans to live in fear of a group like the ones facing us there.
I am not going to sit back through another war where our greatest danger is the American political left's (read "democrats") fear of winning a war because it "just isn't nice."
The French don't like us? Give me a break!
We have had to go save them from their own BRILLIANCE (read "cowardice") twice in the last 100 years. I don't care what they think.
By the way, many of the French love us and appreciate what we did. Those Folks are still worth saving, too. They fought the Germans in their own country with their bare hands and raw courage. But like here, they are muzzled by their government and their press.
  • I want the president to "unleash" the real power of the American war machine.
  • I want to fight with a will to win.
  • I want to hear how we at home can help.
  • I want us to open factories that build our own weapons.
  • I want us to fund alternative fuels.
  • I want us to refuse to lose.
  • I want the cowards in the Republican Party and the Democrats who are sure that nothing will work to be exposed as the weaklings that they are.
  • I want to keep our promises to the Iraqis that we encouraged to stand up with us for something better for their children.

I don't want to face the shame of another Hungarian revolution where we fail to act (Eisenhower.)

Or another "Bay of Pigs" where we sit on our "Kennedian" hands while brave men are abandoned to death and prison.

Or another Rawandan masacre, while we wait for the UN to act to save people's lives. What a joke and a waste of money and hope!

Or another Jimmy Carter paralysis while our people are held hostage.

Or another Bush ( Senior) sell out of the Kurds, who we abandoned after encouraging them to rebel. O my God, what shame!

Or the cowardice of 8 years of Clinton while, to collect money for himself and his campaign, he sells our state secrets to China. (I knew it when it was happening and as the years go by, we will find ghastly levels of treason and perfidy took place with their knowledge and approval.)

I want to see our "free" press (who are not objective at all, but are totally anti-American) removed from the war theater and a real full fledged advertizing campaign both in Iraq and America, since that is what the Main Stream Media is fighting US with and which it seems, that too many Americans are impressed with...

I want our leaders to unleash our courage, our creativity, our "dogs of war" and make Iraq the 51st state, if we can't get the leaders to agree. By God, take the bit in your teeth and your destiny back into your own hands, America!

That's what I thought George Bush was saying when he stood on the ash-heaps of The World Trade Centers and the Pentegon.

Those are the things I want to hear and see.

And I pray that someone is listening.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Al Qaida, Justice, Peace: Where are the Republcans Hiding?

I have blogged twice today and then bumped something that deleted them both. That is frustrating.
The one I just lost was about Justice Delayed by the current Bush administration. I can comprehend the NYTimes and their lack of interest. They are a liberal propaganda rag that is not interested in anything that looks bad on famous liberals. What about how bad slanted coverage looks on your paper?
But I don't understand the President's administration, the justice Department and the congress (both parties) total unwillingness to move against Sandy Berger, or the treasonous national secret leaker's(we are listening in on possible al Qaida conversations) which leads us back to the "times," doesn't it? The only thing they are interested in protecting is the career of democrats their aganda.
I thought that the low level crooks being seated in high places was taking a break when Clinton and his Gang left office. But NO, We are still assaulted daily by these Guys!!! If I were president, I would try to achieve justice in these issues so that peace can reign supreme in the United States of America.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Support the Troops

From the time the twin towers fell on September 11, 2001, I have supported our military efforts to confront our declared enemies and to try to "drain the swamp" that supports, or creates their misery. That effort, however, has cost me very little in a personal way so far. That could change in the years ahead, since I have two young grandsons that are growing up right now and will have to face whatever is out there in the years ahead.
I have had to ask myself, where would I stand if it were my sons, if it were my grandsons, who were in uniform, and who were facing death, and/or possible disfigurement from war wounds, etc. So far, I think that my politics would still be the same (that is, if we will fight to win, not play around, but use our power without apology.)
If it is bad enough to go to war over, it is bad enough to win.
Anyway, here is a website to do something right now for the troops who stand between us and certain major and on-going acts of terror.
Join me in giving our support in both moral ways, like prayer, cards, and then, consider some cash.
Here is one of many ways. I will tell you who I support financially, later. Click here, and listen to this Marine's song.
Don't support a war politically that only costs the troops and their families. Do something now.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Saddam's Career Takes Turn for the Worse This Wk!

Hi, folks,
Happy 2007!
What happened to 2006?
I was just getting used to it.
Last week, I wrote 3 checks and I didn't have to change the year and initial the change!

Did you hear that Saddam Hussein was executed last week?
He was hanged.
He died in a merciful way given the kinds of unspeakable tortures he perpetrated on totally innocent people that he brutalized.
There was no way to exact justice from this monster in one lifetime.

He died proclaiming his innocence, which is the primary mark of a total reprobate.
When a person's mind is void of judgment and has no awareness/consciousness of sin, he is a reprobate. Awareness of sin is a primary function of the Holy Spirit, and there is no forgiveness because there is no desire for forgiveness.
Justice only begins with this hanging...

We can't get back the lives he took,
We can't get justice, true.
But Saddam won't ever kill again,
His career was just cut loose
By a real short drop,
and the sudden stop,
at the end of the hangman's noose!

(by Phil Strickland... 2007-all rights reserved)

More later-Happy New Year!