Monday, January 18, 2010

Pro-Abortion Prayer: Lord, Abort The Plans for a New Abortion Super-Center in Houston"

In line with the goals stated in the Manhattan Declaration (see earlier post), I was priviledged last night to attend "the Call - Houston."

Don't know if you heard about it or the rally/protest planned for MLK Day at the New Abortion Supercenter.

In April, "Planned Parenthood" is planning to open the 2nd largest abortion facility in the world, second only to one in China. 3rd floor of the facility is dedicated to partial birth/late term abortions, or as they should rightly be termed, infanticide. It is situated in the areas of Houston that are primarily African-American and the Hispanic communities. They are targeting these communities. There were national leaders of the African-American and Hispanic communities and they took a major lead in the meeting, leading us in repenting and crying out to God for forgiveness, for mercy, for an end to this despicable practice!

We prayed for hours ... very little sermonizing. Everybody, even big names, were limited to less than 3 minutes and then we would return to prayer. The entire place prayed, wept, repented, and begged for mercy for Houston and America.

We prayed and repented for our own sins, first and then for America; asked for the practice of legalized abortion in America to stop; and asked that the Houston clinic be shuttered. One of the scriptures pointe out was Psalms 106.37, 38 (NIV). It reads:
37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons
38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.

In the prayer meeting, the leaders refused any political speech or demonstrations, signs, etc. We humbled ourselves to God, period. We met on 1.17.10 and prayed that the Luke 1.17 promise of John the baptizer's ministry would be fulfilled again in the United States of America.

"And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous--to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
New Living Translation (©2007) "He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and he will cause those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly."

I was praying in a small group, and one of the young men (David Moore) prayed, "Father God, look at the organizations and groups that fund abortion and injustice in America, cause them to lose their support. Wow! It seemed that I heard the Lord saying again, what he said through John the baptizer ... In Luke 3.9
"Even now the ax of God's judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire."

I am going to start naming the organizations that I know about, in prayer. I do not exalt my self-righteous political preferences in the Throne room, the central command and control room of the universe. I just ask Him to look and to judge - between us and the ACLU; us and Planned Parenthood - with justice and to cut off the root-systems (money and political/popular approval) of the organizations in the USA and around the world that pervert justice.

I am fired up because I believe God is hearing and answering us every day ... every day providing that day's Daily Bread and setting up the things we WILL need so the miracles will not stop if we maintain our focus of humility and personal relationship with God!

As you think of other, similar organizations, put them in the comments section below and we will call their name out in God's presence and ask Him to decide who stands and who is cut down!

Let's pray!
Phil Strickland

"God Help Us If We Do Nothing!"


  1. The fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Where there are two or three gathered in my name there Jesus is in the midst of them. With the description of this gatering I Believe that the cloud of witnesses were standing up and cheering you all on. Keep this kind of stand in the Holy Spirit and some of you will become full of the Holy Spirit and as in Acts 7;55,56 where Stephen saw the heavens open up and the Glory of God and Jesus standing up. Some of you will begin to see the glory of God and God's goodnes pouring out of his abuntance for you to subdue and take back that which the spirit of darkness has stolen. We must speak first those things here on this Earth. Decreeing God's goodness to go forth. Many of us have taken authority over the enemy but few of us have declared God's goodness in it's replacement. Subdue and multiply. Jesus defeated the enemy by love and doing the Heart felt works of His Father setting people free. We are children of light the greater the love of God that you walk in the greater light you become, it is this light that causes darkness to move back. Think about that.
    Many times we christians we get caught up in politics and it's workings if we are not careful we begin to do the good thing and take sides which I am sorry to say we often end up on the same tree only on the good side at first it seems right but then latter we realize that we have become critical even hateful towards our counter parts. Indepentant thinking will pull us outside of the abideing life of Jesus Christ we must learn to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything that we do.

  2. We need more post. Miss you man.

  3. We've been wondering where you are and just found your blog. Sure would like to hear from you, Phil. You can get to me at my blog. From there we can talk privately.

    Hope you, Beth and the kids are doing well. Much has changed for us.

    James Campbell
