Thursday, August 28, 2008

In Human Relations Only Wisdom Connects Cause with Effect

I was reading The Finacial Times of London and found an article about major multinational firms that are leaving England because of the huge corporate taxes that are loaded up on them. They are moving to other, more business friendly locations.
What does "business friendly" mean? It means places that don't make it impossible for the company to make a profit. When they make a profit, everyone who owns their stock is helped. Teachers, preachers, construction workers, and plant maintenance people all get a raise. The companies that supply the company that profits, they get a raise, too. Churches and non-profit charities get a raise because the region is prospering.
There is always someone who, no matter how good things are, seem unable to participate in the goodtimes.
But if someone can get you to focus on the ones unable to participate, and convince you to change the whole system, then you too can do what the British and the French and the Europeans are doing. You too can kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. You can kill the prosperity of the entire region by ignoring how things work and trying to make them work a different way.
You see, the laws a government passes that increase the taxes corporations have to pay, increases their expenses. That, in turn, lessens the profit margin.
If the profit margin shrinks, the owners of the company start looking for ways fix this problem. They can move the company to places outside the authority of the tax raisers or they can vote out the tax raisers and vote in people who understand the effects of their actions have on business. But you can bet your bottom dollar on this one thing. Free people aren't gonna just take that loss and do nothing. I didn't say greedy people. I said free people.
The Democrats keep saying things at their convention that are not compatible.
They are going to raise taxes on the rich oil corporations and other big corporations to more fair levels - and - we need someone in office who will keep good paying jobs in America. What?
When they doraise taxes, the companies move, raise their prices, or both.
What's next?
Are you going to outlaw moving or raising prices?
Where does it stop?
Are you only going to outlaw companies moving or are you going to make it illegal for me to move?
The majority of Americans are enjoying lifestyles that, while they are not perfect, they are both better than their parents enjoyed and far better than the rest of the world.
Can it get better?
Maybe it can, but it won't be by going down the socialist route - where government takes your money and wastes it on social experiments dreamed up by communist professors at The University of Illinois at Chicago.
If it gets better, it will come from free people who observe and learn and apply what they learn without the chains of governmental control sinking them.
It will come from happy people.
It will come from thankful people.
It will come from young men and women with vision of what they can contribute to others by their ideas.
America's promise is not in what government can do for me.
It is what I can do for myself when I am left alone by government.

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