Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Time to Remember
Just a quick note to remind you...

When you are feeling like nothing is working as it should;
And the prayers you prayed to change them
Didn't feel particularly anointed;
It is time to begin to talk!

Not to others, but to your own soul.

It’s time to remember what God did for the Men who first trusted Him …
The Leaders of our faith …
It is time to remember!

Ask your soul, "What is your problem?"
Tell your soul to quiet down and listen!
Say out loud, so your soul must hear - "I serve the God of Abraham!"
What does that mean?
“I serve the God who led Abraham and kept his promise,
“Even though there was no book to read or map to follow.
"I serve the God of Isaac."God kept his promise to Isaac,
Even though he was not as bold and forceful as his father had been.

"I serve the God of Jacob.
"He kept his word to Jacob...Even though we all know he shouldn't’ve!


Because Jacob was not the firstborn son.
And because Jacob was not his father's favorite.
Also because Jacob was not a strong man
Not like the brother who was the “right” brother.
Jacob was a weasel and a cheat.
But somehow, by letting Jacob be the victim
Of the same kind of schemes he pulled on others,
God drew out the great man only he could see inside
Drew him out and changed him
Changed Jacob from a schemer to a Man of patience and trust
And a praying man who persists
Who would pray until he prevailed
And became a Prince with God, a prince named Israel!


It’s time to remember
Remember this passage from Hebrews
Chapter 13.7,8.
"Never forget the leaders,
Who first spoke to you the Word of God.
Remember how they lived and
Imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is always the same
To you today, as he was to them …
Yesterday, today, and forever."

What he did for them, will he really do for you?
That’s what he said.
He said, Remember! Never forget!
Remember, how they lived - how they trusted him – and how he answered their prayers.
Now picture Jesus and see yourself with Jesus,
Living like they did for him and
Trusting Him …
He has not changed.
He is answering you – helping you.
Then, remind your own soul of all the other times
That things seemed dire, dark and then as now,
That you felt completely alone...
And in that dark place, you prayed and
God came through for you!
Walk through it all again in your mind,
Now quietly, give thanks!

That’s right – drink deeply from that well!
Say it! “Thank you, Lord!
Thank you for what you did.
“Thank you for bringing me through hell and then,
“For breaking the habits and chains of sin
“That used to seem would never be broken.
“Amazed, I stand in stunned relief“
And worship you because I know you now,
In ways I have never known you before.”
Now it’s time to remember and worship His Name.
He told Moses, "I Am.
Tell them ‘I am’ sent you"
“I am the Bread of Life.
I am the True Vine.
I am the Gate and the Lord that heals you.

Now ...
Go do what you must today.
Praising God each step of the way.
Knowing he will see you through;
So live your faith in all you do.
Praise... the... Lord!