Tuesday, October 13, 2009
DO NOT KILL YOURSELF!!!! God Has Something Good for You
I am writing to tell you something you can do - right now - where you are. I am telling you something you can pray.
This is not a magic chant that you have to email to others.
This is not a repetitive chant for you to lift yourself through the great karma...
There was/is a man named Jesus - Jesus of Nazareth, in Israel. He was a good man, a healer, who went around doing good and healing all kinds of diseases and emotional brokeness in people's lives. He even set people free from demonic mental torment.
Religious people were divided in their opinions about him, just like they would be today. What one guy thinks is great, another sees as terrible. And most of the time we have to just walk away in disagreement.
But in this case, the argument has been settled. Jesus was betrayed by religious leaders who feared he would cause them to lose their cushy positions and incomes. They had him executed on false premises. But three days later, God raised him from the dead and has honored him by making his name the key to unlock a relationship with God.
Give him a chance to help you.
Out Loud, right where you are, call out to Jesus Christ and ask him to hear you and help you. Say something to the effect of:
Find a Bible you can read, look in the index and find the Book of Matthew. It gives the testimony - the eye witness account - of real people, in real trouble, who needed hope. It shows you how God helped them.
The whole point is:
if God can give these people hope and
a reason to live,
he can do it for you.
I am living proof.
I am not selling anything.
The only offer here is what Jesus has done and will do for you!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
While Praying, Waiting Quietly and Listening, I Found a Poem Written by Arthur Wallace
And I am not doing anything for anyone else to be impressed by - even now - but the Father-God, the Lord Jesus Christ, working through the Mighty Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to help us, has been helping and visiting with me. Things are changing inside me and I am again sensing a fresh surging of His presence and power.
So, in the light of these things, here's the poem at the end of Wallace's book. I hope it inspires you to begin a journey of prayer, of mourning, of fasting, and waiting on God in behalf of our families, our cities and churches, our states, our nation and other nations that are in grave danger right now whom God can and will save if we will lift up our voices in prayer.
On Sinai's mount, with radiant face,
To intercede for heaven's grace
Upon a stubborn wayward race,
They fasted
Once lifted from the miry clay,
When opposition came his way
This soldier-king would often pray
With fasting.
A seer, possessed of vision keen,
Who told the troubled king his dream.
Had light on God's prophetic scheme
Through fasting
The prophetess in temple court
Beheld the Babe the two had brought;
For Him she long had prayed and sought,
With fasting.
He came to break the yoke of sin,
But ere his mission could begin
He met the foe and conquered him
While fasting.
'Set these apart' the Spirit bade.
A spring, that soon vast rivers made,
Broke ope by men who as they prayed
Were fasting.
'So shall they fast when I am gone!'
Was this no word to act upon?
Ask countless saints who fought and won
With fasting.
When we shall stand on that great day
And give account, what shall we say,
If He should ask us, 'Did you pray -
With fasting?'
More on this later. (btw ... Arthur Wallaces books are available on Amazon.com CHEAP!!)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
If I could have my dream, it would be ... Jesus Returns to Texas in the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit
That's what I want to happen for us right here in South Texas - word for word.
I want Jesus to return to West Columbia, TX in the power of the Spirit. Not physically, not yet, since it was Jesus ... Jesus himself that said "It is better for you if I go away. If I don't go away, the Comforter (the Helper) will not come. But if I go away the Father will send the Helper, which is the Holy Spirit, to you. I will not leave you helpless. I will come to you." Come! Please Come, Lord Jesus, just like that! We want you in the power and person of the Holy Spirit, doing what you did in the body in Galilee.
My friends in Philippines want you.
My new friends in Alaska want you to come and for a fame of you to spread all over the region. In Tulsa, and Houston, in Baguio, and in Manila; in Los Angeles and Juneau.
It is the Holy Spirit who comes ... but having Him in the room is the same as having Jesus in the room, physically.
He does not speak his own words or on his own authority, but he takes the words and doings of Jesus and shows them to us by words and deeds. And that is exactly what I need him to do. That is what I am asking him to do.
I want Jesus to return to West Columbia in the Power of the Spirit; and for a fame of him to explode throughout the entire region of Brazoria, Matagorda, and Galveston Counties.
What about you?
Ask Him to come to the place where you live. He will NOT turn you down.
He will save anyone who from a sincere heart, calls out his name.
Then, because Jesus has cleansed you with his own blood (see I Peter 1.18, 19), He can fill you with the HOLY Spirit, and when He does, the Helper, begins to help you know Jesus. And knowing Jesus - being his friend and being known by him - is the greatest blessing in the universe and the highest honor I have ever experienced.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Often, when we are praying, Beth repents for us as a couple and as citizens of this nation. She says, " Father, forgive us for enjoying the gifts and blessings you have provided to us as a nation, and forgetting and forsaking the God from whom it came!"
Remember and Pray. It will help it does matter. He is the God who hears and sees! He still answers the prayers of his children.
Monday, July 27, 2009
An Email Sent to Me Today ... Supposed to be a Simple Fix for America's Economic Problems
"This is from an article in the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper.
- There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
- 1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
- 2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered -Auto Industry fixed
- 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.
- It can't get any easier than that! If more money is needed, have all members of Congress and their constituents pay their taxes...
- If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.
- If not, please disregard. "
Is this a test? It sounds ok on the surface, with it's digs at the Wall Street thieves, but NO, I don't think this plan would work. I think I will disregard it!
First, if there are 40 Million people over fifty years old in the workforce, who like myself, are doing jobs that require some level of skill and knowledge of the field, I promise you that you are going to be hard pressed to find 400,000 people to fill their shoes, much less 40,000,000. Have you ever noticed that there are always job vacancies available, but often they are in specialized fields that not everyone can fill?
Second, If you have $40 million, that would only provide a $1 million check for 40 people. Or a $1.00 check for all 40 million people. I can't retire on a dollar.
1,000,000 x 40,000,000 = 40,000,000,000,000. That's 40 Trillion. The plan below would cost $40 Trillion. That's more than we can produce as a nation in ten years.
Hey..... Wait a minute! I think the Obama administration might go for this! Contrary facts and feasibility (or the lack thereof) do not seem to bother them too much. Be careful! Before you know it, there will be a big fight in the media among the Democrats and a few of the Republicans, over who came up with this plan first!
It's like what happened earlier this year. On April 15, this year ('09). A reporter-ette from MSNBC mocked the the Tea Party protesters for claiming that stimulus spending would cause tax increases. She kept quoting the president that no one who makes less than $250,000 a year would pay more taxes. She yelled at one who had a sign that said, "Don't Tax Away Our Freedoms" and she said, "What does raising taxes have to do with freedom, anyway?" She wasn't even smart enough to be embarrassed. (I was embarrassed for her.) "Hey Lady!" I was yelling at the tv set, "Did you ever hear of the American Revolutionary War ? ... Duh! " They thought taxes had something to do with freedom. Some of us still do.
Phil Strickland
Friday, July 24, 2009
Liberty and the Healthcare Debate
I still believe that the core value of the American experience is Liberty. The engine and the inspiration that has produced "America" as we know it, has been liberty. Take it away and you have "killed the goose that laid the golden egg."
It's a liberal/Democrat/MSM lie to say that people without health insurance don't or won't pay for their own health care. It’s true that some don’t. But people with integrity pay their bills. My wife and I had two babies without health insurance and paid for them in full, cash. It was a struggle, and it took time, but they are paid in full. If I am free, I have to provide for my family.
The nationalization of healthcare that sounds like such compassion will take away our freedom to choose and control our own lives in ways far beyond healthcare. The same people who fall for this scam are the ones who run up bills on their credit cards with no plans or twangs of conscience on how they will pay for what they spend. They feel they can have all they want with this magic little card. Shazzam!
This is the common denominator of everything for which the Obama administration stands.
I have seen and witnessed that Government spoils everything it controls i.e. public education and public housing - the worst of which are in the Democrat controlled areas of the country. You want to do for medicine what you did for education and housing for the poor?
Referring to the Constitution, Obama once said, "The US Constitution is almost completely negative toward the expansion of Governmental authority." And he was right! What it says is very, very limiting to liberals.
We have had a king. We didn't like it. We the people wrote/ratified the Constitution as a defense and a final line in the sand that no man or party is allowed to cross or manipulate. Every part of Federal Government swears an oath to protect, and honor and uphold the Constitution. That is the one greatest condition of their employment.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their SACRED HONOR. The problem is that many now have no honor. Their word is as empty as the beer can on the side of the road. Their lies are simply a means to achieve their own will, like a king, in spite of the fact that other people don't want what they are peddling.
I can live without forced, government-controlled healthcare. I can't live without liberty.
I want liberty or nothing.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Just a quick note to remind you...
When you are feeling like nothing is working as it should;
And the prayers you prayed to change them
Didn't feel particularly anointed;
It is time to begin to talk!
Not to others, but to your own soul.
It’s time to remember what God did for the Men who first trusted Him …
The Leaders of our faith …
It is time to remember!
Ask your soul, "What is your problem?"
Tell your soul to quiet down and listen!
Say out loud, so your soul must hear - "I serve the God of Abraham!"
What does that mean?
“I serve the God who led Abraham and kept his promise,
“Even though there was no book to read or map to follow.
"I serve the God of Isaac."God kept his promise to Isaac,
Even though he was not as bold and forceful as his father had been.
"I serve the God of Jacob.
"He kept his word to Jacob...Even though we all know he shouldn't’ve!
Because Jacob was not the firstborn son.
And because Jacob was not his father's favorite.
Also because Jacob was not a strong man
Not like the brother who was the “right” brother.
Jacob was a weasel and a cheat.
But somehow, by letting Jacob be the victim
Of the same kind of schemes he pulled on others,
God drew out the great man only he could see inside
Drew him out and changed him
Changed Jacob from a schemer to a Man of patience and trust
And a praying man who persists
Who would pray until he prevailed
And became a Prince with God, a prince named Israel!
It’s time to remember
Remember this passage from Hebrews
Chapter 13.7,8.
"Never forget the leaders,
Who first spoke to you the Word of God.
Remember how they lived and
Imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is always the same
To you today, as he was to them …
Yesterday, today, and forever."
What he did for them, will he really do for you?
That’s what he said.
He said, Remember! Never forget!
Remember, how they lived - how they trusted him – and how he answered their prayers.
Now picture Jesus and see yourself with Jesus,
Living like they did for him and
Trusting Him …
He has not changed.
He is answering you – helping you.
Then, remind your own soul of all the other times
That things seemed dire, dark and then as now,
That you felt completely alone...
And in that dark place, you prayed and
God came through for you!
Walk through it all again in your mind,
Now quietly, give thanks!
That’s right – drink deeply from that well!
Say it! “Thank you, Lord!
Thank you for what you did.
“Thank you for bringing me through hell and then,
“For breaking the habits and chains of sin
“That used to seem would never be broken.
“Amazed, I stand in stunned relief“
And worship you because I know you now,
In ways I have never known you before.”
Now it’s time to remember and worship His Name.
He told Moses, "I Am.
Tell them ‘I am’ sent you"
“I am the Bread of Life.
I am the True Vine.
I am the Gate and the Lord that heals you.
Now ...
Go do what you must today.
Praising God each step of the way.
Knowing he will see you through;
So live your faith in all you do.
Praise... the... Lord!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Raising Money for God's Work? Watch Your Motives!
When you have the opportunity, read 1 Thessalonians 2.1-12. Paul said that the anointing he had from God was based on the fact that God had proven him - tested him and his motives - and found him to be trustworthy in the things listed out in this passage. One of those things was "You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed - God is our witness."
I am not judging anyone in particular, but I have often heard them (several of them) say, "You can't be happy, you can't have joy, you can't have peace, if your bills are unpaid."
I am here to testify that this statement is wrong. That doesn't mean I like it when I face difficulty or that I want to be behind in my bills. But I can testify Jesus has been more real to me when I didn't have anything, than when we were flush with money and in good times. He has filled me with Joy and Glory and his Presence and being/abiding in him, made me forget all my troubles.
I have laughed hysterically under the power of the Holy Spirit right in the middle of the worst situations of my life. Psalms 23.5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." (Look that chapter up in Moffat's Translation.)
I have been years at a time where we did not have any extra money for anything but our most basic needs, but God was our companion and I didn't care if the sun came up!
I highly recommend that everyone - rich or poor or anywhere in between, "Make the King and his Kingdom your first priority." (Jesus Christ ... he is the king!)
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6.17. Wow! and by the way, he will come through for you and meet your needs, but ask him to help you to FOCUS on Christ. That is the Holy Spirit's favorite assignment.