Friday, April 25, 2008

Well, I went to Tulsa in Februray to be with my family at the passing of my Dad's brother. His name is Gerry Strickland. Gerry Lee Strickland. Our family is confident in the promises of God's word that we will see him again. We will be missing Gerry for a while. A least until we get to join him.

He and his wife Paulette, were/are encouragers. They loved Jesus together and she is going on fine, surrounded by gobs of kids and grandkids. We love you, Paulette and we thank God for a great partner and friend for Gerry all these years.

more later

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Real power lies with in the Grasp of the Believer

Have you ever experienced a supernatural sense of spiritual unity with Christ and with others in Christ that was so valuable that you wouldn't trade it, or dream of doing anything to disrupt it. That kind of unity only comes by the working and moving of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
My pastor used to say, the Holy Spirit is the most gentle being in the universe. He was right, too. He has to be gentle and careful and must quickly withdraw His Presence when things are done that are offensive to Him. Why? Because of His power, which is staggering in it's scope and intensity.
  • Genesis 1.2... "And the Spirit of God hovered or brooded over the face of the deep, ... and God said ..." And everything He said, was done. Why? because when the spirit of God discovers the Word of God, in a place of spiritual unity, the lightnings of His soul strike with stunning creative and destructive force and intesity.
  • He creates light, love, life, joy, liberty, peace, ability to forgive and unity of heart between an individual and God and with our fellow man... (see
  • He destroys darkness, disease, sin, and it's foul offspring disease and death.
  • He searches to and fro, throughout the whole earth, hoping to find a single person on the planet who has "booted up" in faith with a request, based on God's Word.
  • He is the "Promise of the Father, based on the preaching of the evangelists in John and Luke, and is promised to as many as the Lord our God shall call.

He is availabe to you. "Call me and I will answer you and show you great and powerful things that you do not know. To you who are reading this now, the Holy Spirit and his presence fills the universe with His presence.